Motorbike Tours
The site for Motorbike touring with Garmin GPS Navigation
Tours and Routes in The Netherlands
As you can see the Holland section is by far the biggest in terms of .gpx routes simply because this is where I have the most riding experience. I am slowly expanding my riding adventures to beyond just the ''Randstad'' area of Holland but as my riding is limited to day trips at the weekend I try to keep the length of the trips to around 100 - 175 km starting and ending close to where I live.
Most routes start from close to where I live in The Hague and I have chosen a specific point each time (in the case of Scheveningen the Esso Garage) for convenient parking.
This also applies to the end points. If you come across parts of any route that is wrong please let me know. The BaseCamp software sometimes forgets that cycle paths are not for us motorised bikes. Let me know and I can update the routes.
In the below section you will see a button for General NL Routes. This folder contains many older routes that are all pre 2019. I did have a lot of older Mapsource files for Holland which I had categorised into short, Medium and long but now with the change in the software to BaseCamp and also change in file format from .gdb to .gpx I have decided to drop a lot of these. In addition some of these older routes are probably incorrect due to changes in the roads etc. Please feel to browse and download any you would like.
In the General NL Routes section you will find a huge selection for routes that I have downloaded from various sources and many I have written and ridden myself. I have set them up as .gpx file buttons.
There is one button entitled ANWB. This button is a huge file with a large number of routes I downloaded from the old ANWB Motorbike site. Just be aware the file is large as are the number of Routes!
I hope you have as much fun riding the routes as I have had both planning them and riding them!
Accessing the files
In order to access the files of the trip you can click on the Garmin or PDF button to access the respective file type. For the Garmin button, .gpx files will open and can then be saved to your pc and uploaded to your Garmin programme. Any problems drop us a line!