Motorbike Tours
The site for Motorbike touring with Garmin GPS Navigation
Sauerland June 2022
Friday morning and I set off direction Rotterdam picking up a friend en route. we headed East towards the German border stopping at Oploo / Westerbeek on the way east to visit an old friends war grave. The area is full of war graves mainly from WW2 pilot's shot down after bombing raids on the Ruhr Valley. Interesting enough that's exactly where we were heading but on our German built bikes! The roads in Holland were hampered by the inevitable speed bumps and speed signs but once over the border it all just melted away and we were able to hit the gas a bit more. Arrival was around 1700 at our usual Hotel, Landhaus Kloeckner. Rooms and food were fine at excellent prices.
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Day 1 of our Sauerland tour started at 0930. We were a group of 6 some having arrived a bit later the previous evening. After a good night sleep, beer and food wewere ready for our 250KM round trip to the sotu of the town of Sundern where our hotel was and we headed dowen into Sauerland proper. Weather was perfect albeit a bit on the warm side. A couple of drink stops and lunch. The roads in the area are great. Winding thruogh the rolling hills fo Sauerland but be aware during the holiday season iyt can get a bit busy.
Arrival back at the hotle was around 1630 in time for a shower and relaxing outside with beers and again some great food!
Second day of ourt Sauerland trip saw the mornnig a bit greyer than we had hoped. Rain was forecast but for the afternoon only so we set pu Heading north and East up towards the Mohne dam. Roads along the lakes is restricted to 50 or 60 km/h so be wary. Once out of the lake area the roads opened up and speed limits were gone. We carried on for another hour or so before tha rain fuinally came. We decided to avoid a real downpuor we would head back to the hotel. The rain soon disapperaed so a coule of us decided to give it another go and set up a 2 hour ride south toweards the Carpe see. Unfortunateky we picked exactly the wrong moment t ogo and it did rain for about half an hour although only lioghtly but enough to make riding much slower.
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However, just about half an hour after we set off the rain stopped and the road temperatures were such that with a few minutes most were dry enough to really get some speed in the corners. The rain seemed to have chased away most of the tourist traffic so the roads were empty and esepcially rouns the lakes area newly asphalted and wide. Amazin 2 hour ride back to the Hotel. Another great eveing with friends, beer and good food and then eaelyt night for the trip back to Holland.